
The last month has found members of Third Space practising our culinary skills for not only have we been feeding our friends and families over the Christmas period, but we seem to have extended the festivities into the Advent period too.

In sharing food together we are following the example of Jesus with his disciples and followers (and sometimes his dissenters) and also the early church. Christians met together over a meal in each others homes, shared bread and wine and remembered what Jesus had done for them.


  • We prepared an Advent meal for those who come to Soul Space – which was received with enthusiasm and appreciation, the feedback was very encouraging.
  • We shared an Advent breakfast a tradition we borrowed from our Northern European brothers and sisters.
  • Our pub night involved us in making crackers for our meal together. Great fun when you make a cracker for someone you know with an appropriate joke and wise saying – not to mention designing a hat for them. We had quite a few of the pub customers intrigued and asking us what we were up to.
  • Finally we shared our Christmas meal together and celebrated Kitty’s 18th birthday.


Happy birthday Kitty