Is this the original Celtic Monk design?
The symbol of a coracle is special to those of us who were founder members of Third Space. To ensure that the change of direction in our faith journey was not too crazy we sought some council from Michael Mitton (freelance writer, speaker and trainer, also the Fresh Expressions Officer for the Derby Diocese). He was tremendously encouraging and said that we reminded him of the Celtic saints of old setting off in their coracles with a sail and no oar, which enabled the Holy Spirit to blow them where God wanted them to be.
We have held this image close to our hearts and often pray that we are indeed led and directed by God in our journey together.
Visiting Holy Island (Lindisfarne) recently (a place where an early Celtic Christian Priory was established in 635AD by St Aidan) I was very pleased to see this coracle in the church. It reminded me once more to – hoist my sail, test the wind (metaphorically speaking) and journey on.
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