Greenbelt 2011

A good number of us got along to Greenbelt this year – some camped… most didn’t!

For me highlights included:

All the mentions of ‘home’ that made me proud to be part of ThirdSpace and our vision for being home for others and plenty of renewed inspiration…

Seeing our friend Ian Adams with Matt Rees and hearing some of the things that they’ve learnt at Stillpoint this year…

Hearing Rob Bell speak in such an accessible way for a Saturday morning of important truths and real wisdom…

Hearing Nadia Bolz Weber for the first time – and loving everything she said!

Listening to Karen Ward on her Neo-monaastic cmmunity and again seeing something familiarĀ and feeling we’re on the right track here – even if we have a long way to go…

Enjoying Brian McLaren’s fast talking, intelligent and stimulating input…

Laughing more than I have done for a long, longĀ time at the evening with Adrian Plass and also at Jo Enright (Was that heckler really you Michele?)…

And being hugely impressed and blesssed by Michael Mitton’s seminar ‘The homing instinct’ with his observations about how people within and outside the church feel exiled from it and the innate homing instinct in all of us that yearns to belong. Much to ponder upon for us in ThirdSpace, much to inspire and encourage. A definite for us all to hear before Michael returns to meet with us again later this term.