St Patrick’s Day at the Bandstand

We met in pouring rain – glad of the shelter of the bandstand – to celebrate St Patrick yesterday, beginning with a Trinitarian prayer in honour of his Shamrock analogy:

We meet today in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

In the name of our Mother, Lover and Friend

In the name of the Lover, Beloved and Love

In the name of the Creator, Saviour and Companion

In the name of the Source of all being, the Eternal Word and Empowering presence of God

And in the presence of Saint Patrick, the saints of old and ThirdSpace saints resurrected

Thanks be to God, the Three in One, the Divine Dance and Community of love!

We heard the story of St Patrick – how he was abducted at the age of 16 and sold into slavery in Ireland and how there he came to faith and learnt to pray through the day and night whilst watching over sheep. Using The Message we read from 1 Thessalonians about the need to encourage one another and to pray

We heard the story of St Patrick – how he was abducted at the age of 16 and sold into slavery in Ireland and how there he came to faith and learnt to pray through the day and night whilst watching over sheep. Using The Message we read from 1 Thessalonians about the need to encourage one another and to pray at all times , before saying together St Patrick’s breastplate. For some time, we shared how we pray, these days and then the situations and folk we were aware of that need our prayers today. Then we used an adapted version of Patrick’s prayer to pray for them:

As we arise today, I name those who need God’s presence and answers now…

May the strength of God pilot you, the power of God uphold you,, the wisdom of God guide you  

May the eye of God look before you, the ear of God hear you, the word of God speak for you.

May the hand of God protect you, the way of God lie before you, the shield of God defend you, the host of God save you.
May Christ shield you today.

(Name again those who need Jesus close… and visualise them as you use these words:)

Christ with you, Christ before you, Christ behind you,
Christ in you, Christ beneath you, Christ above you,
Christ on your right, Christ on your left,
Christ when  you lie down, Christ when you sit, Christ when you stand,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of you,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of you,
Christ in every eye that sees you,
Christ in every ear that hears you.

Thereafter, we returned to share bread and wine, using words Steve had written:

Bread and Wine with Patrick

We follow in the footsteps of so many, in meeting in the name of the Trinity.

The Source of all Being, the Eternal Word, the Empowering Presence.

May the bread – which tells its own story of love and redemption – bless you three times.

In bringing restoration and sustenance and companionship for the journey.

May the wine – which tells its own story of love and redemption – bless you three times.

In bringing joy and inspiration and vision for the journey.

We are sent and surrounded and upheld. We bless those who have travelled this way before us and those who are to follow. May ThirdSpace be a faithful link in the chain. Amen.

We finished by reading some further verses from 1 Thessalonians as a blessing of one another:

3-24 May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it! 28 The amazing grace of Jesus Christ be with you!

Then it was off to coffee at Ostello Lounge for more chat and putting the world straight!!