Posts Categorized: General

New Year at the Bandstand

This morning was our start to the new year. Julie began by sharing an Epiphany meditation: Prayer “Jesus, you are the light of the world. In your holiness and your… Read more »

Peace on Christmas Eve

Julie and Steve led us in a very special time of being together with family members joining us. The following was in our handouts:  “ Glory to God in the highest,… Read more »

Advent and waiting

This morning we looked at the concept of waiting for and waiting upon, influenced by a wonderful Advent read – see image below – and Lectio 365 recently. After a… Read more »

Reflections on a changing season

Sarah H led us this Sunday, challenging us to take a spiritual health audit. Below are some notes from our time together: As we enter ‘Sweater-weather’ do last year’s clothes… Read more »

Third Space Little Fishes

This Sunday was led by Sarah B. This was her content: On the theme of fishing, fishing, fisherman. As a youngster I fished a lot, ocean fishing of the back… Read more »

Simple meal at Holly House

This new season of ThirdSpace we have decided that alternate meals together should be truly simple meals with donations for a charity chosen by someone different each time. We shared… Read more »

Praying for the Middle East

With the unfolding horror of the Hamas attacks on the Jewish community and the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza it seemed right that on a beautiful crisp Autumn morning in… Read more »

Journey explored

Sarah B led us in a creative, reflcetive evening around the theme of journey. The following is one of the sheets we all got, which Sarah talked us through as… Read more »