Posts Categorized: General

Stir up Sunday

This morning we met in bright sunshine – but it was COLD! We had planned for that! Everyone had a sheet witht eh ThirdSpace version of the Canticle of the… Read more »


Meeting virtually today due to Covid and other seasonal viral infections amongst us, we concentrated our thoughts on God’s provision,  our beautiful planet and the responsibility we have to take… Read more »

The Crucifixion of Jesus.

Richard Rohr writes: Two theologians I deeply respect, Marcus Borg (1942-2015) and John Dominic Crossan (b. 1934), offer important historical and symbolic context for the crucifixion of Jesus. The theory… Read more »

Surely God is in this place!

On Wednesday evening when we met, those words came into my mind as we shared real sadnesses and yet found laughter quick to follow. The words are from Jacob’s encounter… Read more »


Last Wednesday evening Gary Neville was working as a football pundit for ITV during the England v Denmark semi-final. Neville played 400 matches for Manchester United at right-back and 85… Read more »