Last night we had our Advent Soulspace and it looked spectacular with Richard’s fantastic lighting, a star-path candle-lit labyrinth and vast tent – or was it a tabernacle (?) amongst other prayer stations.
Our theme was ‘Star-gazing’ and areas for reflection were certainly varied.
The star path included quotes from John O’ Donohue amongst others and images from space that had us considering our own journeys and meaning…

The tent allowed us to sit amidst the most awe-inspiring images of the universe we inhabit from the Hubble spacecraft …

A rolling powerpoint fused poetry from Steve Goan with thought-provoking images…
And we had another go at creating an on-line advent calendar. This time we picked up on our theme of ‘star-gazing’ and focussed on how to give Jesus the same level of attention that our culture gives to the stars (celebrities). So this year, if you care to join us, you can open a door at a time to see a star with a name or title given to Jesus, sometimes with a thought, challenge or prayer for the day.
Ages and gifting of contributors vary – but we hope the simple theme enables a more Christ-centred build-up to the Christmas season.

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