Barbara and Grayden led us at the bandstand this morning, picking up on themes from the last couple of weeks. We’d all been asked to bring digital cameras / phones or writing pads and after some starting thoughts we were sent out to photograph something that spoke to us of God’s presence / provision… The park was stunning, bathed in sunshine (oh how we appreciate that after this long winter!) and we were all spoilt for choice as we looked with new eyes at flowers, trees, sky, colours, shapes, creatures, patterns, textures… These we shared with thoughts on them – a brilliant way of reflecting upon how we all see different things and will have different emphases, but each inspires the others in enhanced worship. We joined together in these words:
In the beauty of this moment
We worship you
In the fellowship of your people
We worship you
In the presence of your Spirit
We worship you
In the company of all creation
We worship you
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
These words are so meaningful and easy to say from the heart when worshipping outdoors – we’re beginning to question why we haven’t done this before and why more don’t do it!
For the bread and wine we used these words from
It is right to give you thanks, loving Creator. Your word is the impulse for all things to be, for space, stars and stardust to appear, for Earth to emerge from the deep, for life to be born of Earth and for humans to be born of Earth and the Spirit.
Your Spirit is the life impulse in all things, renewing the barren and healing the wounded, groaning in anticipation of a new creation, stirring new life born of water and the Spirit.
You chose to be born a human being, to become a part of Earth, to suffer, die and rise from death to redeem humankind, renew creation and affirm all born of Earth and the Spirit.
Your presence is the living impulse in all things, the Christ deep among us filling Earth – land, sea and air – filling every element and place, filling the grain and the grape we share with you this day.
Therefore with angels and archangels, ancient voices in the forest, high voices from the sky, deep voices from the sea and the whole company of creation, we proclaim your presence among us.
Holy, holy, holy God of all life,
Earth and sea are full of your presence.
May we who share this Bread and Wine,
Share Christ with one another.
Amen! Amen to that!
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