Just had to say how fantastic it was to be gathered around the table with Barbara back, remarkably fit and well after the wonderful all-clear of this week. It was a super evening – a simple meal of baked potatoes, fillings and salad and some amazing pastries baked by Colin… It was good to catch up on each other’s lives and concerns, to share bread and wine together, to laugh, eat, drink and pray. Between courses we shared prayer concerns using playing cards – placing a spade on the table to represent our work, a heart for family members and clubs (representing the Trinity) for those who need God’s closeness especially now.

Our prayers
We had the names of those we’d prayed for a few weeks ago scattered on the table throughout the meal and remembered again Tony, Jack, Alex, Kate, June, Jennifer, Alison and others. There is something uniquely special about sharing a meal together – as we’ve been recently reminded in Acts 2. Thanks everyone for you contributions and for a lovely evening.
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