Prayer of Thanks

With signs of healing and words of justice,

You revealed that another world is possible.

You proclaimed news of another kingdom,

You chose a life of nonviolent confrontation with the powers of your time.

You restored wholeness to the sick and to those called impure.

You tore down the boundaries of tribe, gender and sexuality

of black and brown and white,

All the walls we build to exclude those whose difference makes us uncomfortable.

You overturned the tables of status and honour,

insider and outsider.

We know patriarchy, slavery and racism have no place in your world.

All are made in the divine image.

Everyone included, where the last are first.

In that great reversal of history,

on the cross we believe you overcame the powers of this world

and broke the power of death.

When we lose sight of your way, guide us.

When we despair and are overwhelmed,

may your Spirit comfort us.

You call us to a conversion of heart and mind,

to turn away from the seductions of empire,

to be a community of resistance and healing and justice.

God of life,

lighten our path as we strive to live by the values of your kingdom,

may the good earth breathe easy again, and violence and greed be made history.

May our homes be open, our tables welcoming.

May we live in love and compassion.

May you arise every morning

Knowing God’s peace embracing you,

Feeling the Spirit strengthening you,

Filled with the goodness of Christ.

In all you do and in all you say

May your life this day and all days

Reflect the beauty of Christ.

With thanks to Jonny Baker. Edited and remixed by Grayden Daniels.