We met this morning on Remembrance Sunday. Greeting us at the Bandstand was two slabs of clay, bread, wine, sunflower seeds and a sunflower seed head.

Who do we remember?
We remember those who sacrificed their lives for their country, but it can seem a bit removed from our experience, unless we know someone killed or injured in recent conflicts.
What are we giving thanks for?
Around this time of year we give thanks for God’s provision through services of Harvest Thanksgiving. Again, unless we work in farming or grow our own food we can be removed from the relevance of Harvest. We can buy our food at the supermarket regardless of seasonality.
Why did we have sunflower seeds?
I brought along the sunflower seeds that were harvested from three plants (grown from three seeds) planted earlier in the year to illustrate God’s amazingly abundant provision. Also the sunflowers had always reminded me of Anthony, a troubled man who had joined us at the same time as we planted the sunflower seeds and who has since sadly died. I wanted to remember Anthony who had his own internal battles to fight and who I hope felt love and acceptance at Third Space for the short time we knew him.
Generous God, Feast maker,
Thank you for the provision of food and friends,
for those we know and those we have known.
Provider God, protector and sustainer,
we welcome you among us this morning.
Look at the sunflower head and remember the seeds planted… marvel at how many came from so few.
Take some sunflower seeds and give thanks for the plentiful provision of God.
Spend some time offering something to God and ask that, however small, it can be used in His Kingdom to great effect.
Remembrance prayers
- Take a sunflower seed and remember those we know who have died, those who we have been privileged to know.
- Take a sunflower seed and remember those who are in conflict situations right now both soldiers and civilians.
- Take a sunflower seed and remember those who laid down their lives in conflicts for us.
- Take a sunflower seed and remember that we should be working to bring about the Kingdom of God in a world of need and conflict.
Two minutes silence
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