Posts Categorized: General

Post-election prayer

What a wonderful evening we had last night, with Brigid leading us after a brief time around the table with cheese and wine (taking some final footage for our video which CMS… Read more »

May Day walk

A few of us got out to enjoy sunny, if cold, weather. Just loved the views and the company up on Stanton Moor. Great to have Natasha back and to meet Kevin… Read more »

May Day Celebration

Barbara and Grayden led a May Day Celebration at the Bandstand. Barbara had been reading The Heavenly Party by Michele Guinness. She asked the question – what has happened to… Read more »

New at the bandstand

Excited to have our laminated posters up on four sides of the bandstand for the benefit of passers-by who wonder who we are! We may be church without… a building…… Read more »

Getting ourselves publicised

Very excited about getting business cards printed and laminated posters to put onto the sides of the bandstand on a Sunday morning. It carries the caption: Church without… We reckon… Read more »

What’s your story?

In his book, A New Kind of Christianity, Brian Mclaren. is keen for his readers to get a hold of this idea of narrative, of God’s story continually unfolding. He… Read more »

The Emmaus Road at the Bandstand!

Barbara and Grayden led us this morning looking afresh at the Emmaus road encounter with Jesus. We looked at words that might have been indicative of the feelings of those… Read more »

Maundy Thursdsay

What a special time we had last Thursday. We watched part of the BBC drama ‘The Passion’ covering the events of the last supper and Gethsemane. Then we reminded ourselves… Read more »