More thought-provoking stuff! B & G led last week, focussing on blessings as part of a Celtic pilgrimage experience. Loved the youngest blessing us oldies in the giving of bread and wine and loved so many of the blessings used in our time together. We closed with these words:
Blessings on you
who stand in the tension and the flux
of understanding God.
In the struggle to understand what is
and what isn’t
what was and what will be,
what we are
and what we should be.
Blessings on you who step out of the battle
waging on.
Who choose to be at peace,
who choose to listen,
and who choose to be humble in a world that
seems so very sure
and so very lost.
Blessings as we revisit places we’ve been
and look forward to the places we’d like to see.
As we embrace dialogue,
as we choose to love,
and as we rejoice in this journey,
continually thankful for the chance to grow,
the chance to think,
and the ever-present chance to change.
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